New Industrialisation and Technology Training Programme (NITTP)

New Industrialisation and Technology Training Programme


Launched in August 2018, NITTP aims to subsidise local enterprises on a 2(Government):1(enterprise) matching basis to train their staff in advanced technologies, especially those related to "New Industrialisation".


Course providers applying for public course registration are required to have two or more years of relevant experience in the provision of technology training.

An enterprise applying for training grant under the NITTP should fulfill the following requirements:

  1. registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); and
  2. must be a non-government and non-subvented organisation.

The employee nominated must be a Hong Kong permanent resident with the necessary background/experience relevant to the advanced technology of the training course.

Key Features


NITTP invites applications for funding all year round. The Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the Secretariat responsible for administering the Programme.

Please read the following before submitting an application for public course registration or training grant applications:



The course proposals submitted by course providers (public courses) or by enterprises (tailor-made courses) will be vetted and approved by a Course Vetting Panel under the Innovation and Technology Training Board of the VTC. Technical experts will be consulted as appropriate.

The training grant applications submitted by enterprises for registered public courses will be vetted and approved by the VTC.


Vocational Training Council


Innovation and Technology Commission