Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU)

Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities


Launched in 2014, TSSSU provides funding to six universities33 to support their teams in starting technology businesses and commercialising their research and development (R&D) results. In addition to the original component of the Scheme (TSSSU-O), an enhancement measure (TSSSU+) has been implemented starting from 2023-24 to provide dollar-to-dollar matching funds to those start-ups which have demonstrated good growth potential through securing investment from private sector.


A technology start-up will be eligible to apply if –

  1. it is registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance for not more than two years (for TSSSU-O) or not more than seven years (for TSSSU+) as of the date of the application deadline34;
  2. the team forming the start-up may have any mix of the following members of the relevant universities –
    1. undergraduates, postgraduates or alumni; and/or
    2. professor(s) or other faculty members serving as consultant(s) providing technical expertise and direction of the R&D; and
  3. the amount of private investment35 it has secured during the recognised matching period36 is no less than the amount of funding it intends to apply for (for TSSSU+ applicants only).

Key Features


Technology start-ups interested in TSSSU should submit their applications to the knowledge transfer office/technology transfer office/entrepreneurial centre of their associated universities. The six universities have prescribed their respective application forms and guidelines on the handling of TSSSU applications. For details, please refer to their websites –

University Weblink
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The University of Hong Kong


Applications assessed and recommended by the selection panel of each university will be forwarded to the Innovation and Technology Commission for agreement.


Some examples of the TSSSU-funded start-ups are available at this weblink. For information on the funded start-ups, please refer to the TSSSU Directory.

Technology start-ups may contact the knowledge transfer office/technology transfer office/entrepreneurial centre of their associated universities.