General Support Programme (GSP)

General Support Programme


Launched in November 1999, GSP aims to support non-research and development (R&D) projects that contribute to the upgrading and development of our industries, the fostering of an innovation and technology culture in Hong Kong as well as promoting popular science.

GSP Supported Event CalendarGSP Project Highlights


The applicant must be an organisation in Hong Kong (e.g. non-profit making trade/industry associations, public bodies, charitable organisations, local universities, local companies, etc.)

Key Features


GSP invites applications for funding all year round. The cut-off date will be 31 October 2024 for applications to be assessed in February to May 2025. Applications received after this date will be assessed in June to September 2025. Please read the following documents before submitting an application:



The GSP Secretariat will check the eligibility and completeness of the applications received and may seek clarification or supplementary information from the applicants if necessary. Eligible applications will be considered by the GSP Vetting Committee in accordance with the assessment framework.

Applicants may be required to attend assessment meetings to answer questions from the Vetting Committee. Applications supported by the Committee will be submitted to the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology for approval of funding.

Frequently Asked Questions

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The applicant must be an organisation in Hong Kong, for example:
(a) a non-profit making trade/industry association or chamber of commerce;
(b) a public body (e.g. Hong Kong Productivity Council, Vocational Training Council, etc.);
(c) a charitable organisation registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance;
(d) a local university or other tertiary/post-secondary institute by statute;
(e) a District Council; or
(f) a local unincorporated/incorporated company under the Companies Ordinance.

Project events/activities funded under GSP should primarily be conducted within Hong Kong. Events/activities conducted outside Hong Kong will only be supported if there are strong justifications. The relevant expenditure outside Hong Kong should generally not exceed 50% of the total project cost. The applicant should provide details to demonstrate the "Hong Kong angle", i.e. benefits to Hong Kong.

Applicants will be notified of the result in writing. The actual processing time will be subject to the number of applications received at the time, complexity of individual applications, comprehensiveness and clarity of the information provided, etc. Successful applicants may be required to revise the application to fulfill the conditions for approval recommended by the GSP Vetting Committee and ITC, if any. Similar to other ITF projects, basic information of the approved projects will be posted onto the ITF website.